Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Small Matter of Education

Was amazed to discover today that Daughter is being taught by Nevi'im. Daughter reassures me that Even if Obama wins, Something Bad will happen to him and Moshiach will come. Rejoin, somewhat starchily, that should quite like Obama to win, and that Moshiach will come Anyway; to which Daughter replies that Morah knows better, because she is Older. Am confident that the Latter, at least, is not the case. Daughter further alleges that McCain Loves the Jews, and Obama Hates them; is naturally unable to cite any Facts adduced by Morah to support these propositions. Am further dubious concerning the Wisdom of attempting to discuss Politics with seven-year-olds. Upstairs Neighbor, whose daughters attend the same School, says that her eleven-year-old's class was told the exact Opposite (which bodes well for Pluralism, but makes no Sense otherwise) and that Political Discussions with eleven-year-olds are similarly Unedifying. Recall own reading, at age eleven, mostly consisting of The Gulag Archipelago and The Cancer Ward, but surmise, and, indeed, Hope, that this is Atypical. Cannot help feeling School may have done better to stick to simple explanation of electoral process and Issues involved.


SubWife said...

I was appalled to find out that a ten year old daughter of my friend was asked in class how her parents would vote. And after a few girls admitted that their parents were pro-Obama, the morah gave the whole shpiel how evil Obama is. Why??? Imagine being one of those girls.

Mikeinmidwood said...

Ah. The famous Obama Moshiach crap I have been hearing.

Ookamikun said...

I voted McCain, but, now that Obama's won. He's pro drugs and pro network neutrality so it's not so bad. Also, he may be anti RIAA which is awesome.

הצעיר שלמה בן רפאל לבית שריקי ס"ט said...

More than the democratic process is exercised in America by the ability to vote for the presidential nominee of ones choice, it could and should be used to, if not choose 'who' teaches in schools, but 'what' they teach. If one is unsatisfied by what a teacher espouses in a classroom, it is a perfectly good idea to complain. I know firsthand that many younger grade teachers are quite uninteligent as it happens...